20 Days More
20 days more and it's May 10, a day of tension for politicians and grappling work for our Comelec and the BEIs. A day of anticipation for all of us, and a day that will determine the future of our children.
It's still a long way to go, 20 more days of prayer, 20 more days of wishful thinking that the Lord will grant us a good, dependable, reliable, responsible and honest president. May he/she be a man of integrity, of fear with the Lord, of honest and clean heart, and with the purest intention for the good of the country.
But then again, 20 more days is just as fast. We only have 20 more days. So I urge you to use this 20 more days for prayer to a peaceful and orderly elections, and for the whole nation to properly discern who to put in the highest position of the land.
20 more days to prepare yourself. This is a battle, our heart's battle. Let us vote for whatever is good, whatever is right!