Blow Me Some Luck
I am not one who really believes on luck, but there sure is nothing to lose if you think on the good luck stuff. I still prefer being able to prepare for the future and think of working on ways to achieve a dream you have been aiming at.
Remember the exams (with time pressured abstract and 300 personality items test) I have told you once? It's over and I took it last Thursday, that is the reason why this blog became silent after my birthday. I think I did good on that exam, really, the abstract to which I thought was really a difficult one the first time I took it, wasn't really that hard the second time, I even took it with a breeze. But then again, I am still jittery of the outcome. I have such low confidence on myself when it comes to exams.
Yesterday, I was really happy when one of the bosses told me to come back on Thursday for the deliberation, it's going to be a panel interview with the high officials of DOLE. Therefore, again, I am asking for your prayers, I need to be good in this interview because there are a number of applicants to this one post only. I hope to be given enough confidence and smartness to answer the questions shot at me.
I need this job badly, and I hope I can make it. Please include me in your prayers. Thanks. You can blow me some clover leaves for good luck too.
kayang kaya mo yan sheng!
oh by the way, happy valentine's day to you.