When it Rains, It Pours
My prayers have been answered, and I am very grateful to the Lord for keeping HIS promises to me, that He will never leave me, and He will grant all that I desire for as long as I trust in HIM.
The year 2010 has been a year of misfortunes for me, I resigned from work due to a weary environment with my previous employer, it was the year when everything seemed without a direction. Sure, I had blessings crossing my way, but I have always wanted a job that will provide me security of tenure, good pay, and an unstressful environment where I could help many people by way of service. And with my copyreading job, it has not been materialized.
I have been hopeful, and I remember posting what I felt during that time, times when I felt I could not get through the tunnel.
And now my friends, 2011 seems like the beginning of a new adventure for me. I told you I was aiming for a regular post in the government. All of my good friends know how much I have devoted my time giving my best shot in performing my job while hoping for the new job to be the regular one.
What more can I ask for? I passed the Civil Service Professional Career Exams and now, the good news!
Last Tuesday, I arrived at the office entrance and I was greeted by a handshake from the boss who said that the regional director called him up to tell him that I got hired! Remember that post when I said I will be taking the exam and the interview made a shot at a high BP? LOL! It paid off guys, it did! Anytime soon, I will be officially joining the roster of regular government employees and I am very thankful to my LORD and SAVIOR because all of these I asked from HIM, He answered. Just waiting for the memorandum order, and I'm good to go!
I actually feel guilty, many times I have asked why He has not yet answered my desires, I felt shaky and disoriented and I actually felt tired of waiting for something wonderful to happen. But yes, HE answers prayers in HIS own perfect timing. And this is HIS timing working wonderfully in my life now.
To God be all glory, honor and power and praise.
To all those who wished me luck and said a prayer for me, and for all those who believed in me and those who wanted the best for me, my heartfelt gratitude.
The year 2010 has been a year of misfortunes for me, I resigned from work due to a weary environment with my previous employer, it was the year when everything seemed without a direction. Sure, I had blessings crossing my way, but I have always wanted a job that will provide me security of tenure, good pay, and an unstressful environment where I could help many people by way of service. And with my copyreading job, it has not been materialized.
I have been hopeful, and I remember posting what I felt during that time, times when I felt I could not get through the tunnel.
And now my friends, 2011 seems like the beginning of a new adventure for me. I told you I was aiming for a regular post in the government. All of my good friends know how much I have devoted my time giving my best shot in performing my job while hoping for the new job to be the regular one.
What more can I ask for? I passed the Civil Service Professional Career Exams and now, the good news!
Last Tuesday, I arrived at the office entrance and I was greeted by a handshake from the boss who said that the regional director called him up to tell him that I got hired! Remember that post when I said I will be taking the exam and the interview made a shot at a high BP? LOL! It paid off guys, it did! Anytime soon, I will be officially joining the roster of regular government employees and I am very thankful to my LORD and SAVIOR because all of these I asked from HIM, He answered. Just waiting for the memorandum order, and I'm good to go!
I actually feel guilty, many times I have asked why He has not yet answered my desires, I felt shaky and disoriented and I actually felt tired of waiting for something wonderful to happen. But yes, HE answers prayers in HIS own perfect timing. And this is HIS timing working wonderfully in my life now.
To God be all glory, honor and power and praise.
To all those who wished me luck and said a prayer for me, and for all those who believed in me and those who wanted the best for me, my heartfelt gratitude.
All things work together for good! We only have to trust!
To keep it in perspective though, my least favorite person on earth then, who was my hated physics instructor, told our freshman college class that prayers alone will not make us pass his course - we have to study hard first, then we can storm Heaven with our prayers to pass. I hated him then, but now that I am older and wiser, I liked him...very much. Without him saying it, he taught me that I am the master of my own destiny, bar none. I wish there are more of then now.
thank you for sharing your success and happiness. simply inspiring!
kayang-kaya yan!