National Tourism Week in the City
What makes you proud of your country, your place in particular? Last week, Gensan celebrated its National Tourism Week and we chanced upon many things that we never expected it to be seen in the city. The city government has chosen to present an exhibit of the antiques that were found in the area. Hubby and I went around and had the chance to take shots of these treasures. Many of them are no longer functional, they were of course, aged. But in remembering how our ancients have lived with these things, these stuffs make us wonder in awe, and recalling how these are being valued, I would like to share them all to you! This first pic is not an antique, but this sculpture, if you may call it that, is composed of trash, all trash and recyclable materials the designer has gathered in order to make this wonderful and amazing work of art. The center of all the exhibit, I may say, although somewhat farthest from the exhibit site, is this. I feel relieved that people like the designer would thi...