Love and Hate Meme...

A tag! First time I have a tag...and I'm so happy. This I got from jeanny and I will surely love to post this. What you will do is this: List down 5 things you hate and 5 things you love. Then, put the link or links of your blog or blogs in the list. Tag at least 5 people So here's mine for the answers: Hate: 1. Liars! I hate them... grabeee... Anybody who loves them? 2. Insensitive people.... grrrrr... can't they feel for what others feel? I am so sensitive that I can only cry my heart out to those who suffer... Frank's victims for one, I so feel for them... 3. Pimples...ouch, they make me hide... I wonder why didn't I have the face of Heart E., or KC Concepcion... 4. Busy days! That pains me. 5. My Bosses... they feel so bossy, and in many ways that they are so bossy, they suck... grrrr... they have the right, don't they? =) L O V E 1. God... my Only SAvior... for everything I am into. 2. Family, hubby, kids... they give me every ounce of strength I n...