My Reading History: How I Came to Love Books

I was in my second grade, I have been frequenting my Tita Carmen's house, because during that time, she was very fond of me. She was truly generous to me, and was shoving me a lot of books in her library, she wanted me to READ . Tita Carmen is my Dad's cousin, good thing is, they are the rich family who lived upon shelves and shelves of books, and was teaching me to love books as much as she does. We are not as fortunate as they are so I would always hop on over to their house, and borrow her books. She brags about her daughter, Ate Jing who has been a bookworm as she was the one who owned all the collections Tita Carmen has been keeping. My first ever read: The Cat in the Hat, is the first ever book I have come to love, I have loveD Dr. Seuss and all books he has written. Until in Grade 3, Tita Carmen upgraded my reading to this: I remember the first Nancy Drew book (Caroline Keene) I read was, The Secret of the Red-Gate Farm, followed by Secret of the Old Clock. I had a lot ...