A long Weekend to Reflect

Thank you all for the prayers you have extended to us, we were on our ngarag moments last weekend, but we did found the time to enjoy ourselves while doing the printing of graduation stuffs. We had a deadline to beat, and are supposed to deliver the programs by 4pm today. But thanks God for HIS all-time love, we were done with the prints at exactly 8 last night. Finally, we can already have good sleep. And now it's Holy Week, a time to reflect and pray, and to count the blessings God has bestowed upon us. For me and my family, bonding time and a satisfying rest awaits. May you all have a spiritually productive Holy Week. But wait, while browsing the net today for some Holy Week Quotes, I managed to find some really funny beliefs during this week, and I laughed out loud when I read this one. Dru – "My mom said wounds during Good Friday will remain fresh forever. Imagine my panic, having been circumcised a week before Good Friday, crying and willing the wounds to heal in 6 days....