Early to Bed, Early to Rise

I always go to bed early. The very late that I come to bed would be 11 or before midnight. I make sure that I get to bed early because as a mother, I have to wake up early to fix breakfast for the children. Second, my work which makes me travel an hour's ride from where I am coming from is priority that I reach the office on time. I want to be a good office worker, not someone who just arrives to the office tardy, and does overtime because she hasn't finished what she's supposed to be wrap up during the course of the day. Being a mom is something important for me. In moments that I fail to go home for them, my heart aches. That is the reason why in my heart, I'd love to give them my time even in the preparation of their food. I have missed being a teacher-mother. Reviews and study sessions have become less frequent now that I am working away. It makes sense that I finish work early so I can get to home early. And because of this, my sleeping time ranges ar...