The Day the Earth Stood Still

If the earth die, you die.
If you die, the Earth survives.

Which would you choose?

Alarming, right? But so true. Time has placed us to a transformation that we cannot control. It's not the Technology that destroyed the Earth, it's US.

The Day the Earth Stood Still tells of an alien who visited our planet and tried to save the Earth. Save the Earth from what, you will ask. From the human race. Yes, the alien wanted to save the Earth from us, human beings.

As my eyes wandered from the actions I have seen on the screen, my mind wanders and wonders as to what extent we have damaged our planet. The effect of the damage is already alarming: the hole in the ozone layer, floods everywhere, storms in the Philippines, landslides in Malaysia, hurricanes in the Western part of the world, earthquakes and tsunamis in Indonesia.

The story speaks so true to what is really happening in our planet now. It is truly our attitude towards the Earth that damaged the environment. We have become so selfish that we only thought of what we can benefit from what we do. We never thought of what our actions can do to the environment, and to Mother Nature, for that matter. We become so engrossed with what we do that we forget the burning of fossil fuels every time we turn on our electric-powered gadgets and appliances. We fill our stomachs with food, and throw away the styrofoam or plastic that wraps our food, as though they don't affect the environment. We write on paper but forget that paper comes from trees being cut in order for paper to be made. We turn on our airconditioning units to cool ourselves and forget that this entails the burning of fossil fuels which is actually the main reason why the ozone layer that covers the Earth has holes and which makes the planet warm, read: HOT.

I watched this movie and what I got was a warning: Change before it is too late.

We need to change our lifestyles and try to think of our dear Mother Earth before we indulge ourselves into our own comforts. I have long been an advocate of saving the Mother Earth. The things we must basically do in order to practice such CHANGE: Reuse, reduce, recycle. This is one way to help Mother Earth get well from the infection we have affected her with our actions.

For all my friends reading this post, I'd like to ask a minute of your time to close your eyes, reflect, and ask yourself what you can do to help save the Earth. If you have your answers, please include them in your 2009 NewYear's Resolution. I believe with trying to cling on to that resolution, we will be reminded to practice a CHANGE that will help save our Mother Earth.

Let's change for Mother Earth. Let us start to think Green!


Anonymous said…
Totoo yan! Totoo yan!
Every little thing helps.
I am definitely watching this!
Anonymous said…
hay naku sheng, ilang pelikula na ba ang dumaan with the same message pero parang wala...

i hope most people will wake up soon! wawa naman mga anak natin pag nasira ang Mother Earth. :(
Anonymous said…
A lot of good science fiction movies do have important messages in them. This sounds like one - I still have to see the movie though. But either way, we could all stand to do more to save our planet. Nice post!
Anonymous said…
I have tagged you for a meme and hope you can participate. :)
It's here:
RedLan said…
I will watch this movie tomorrow. Hinihintay ko ito.

Ang change nagsisimula sa sarili kaya ipractice ko to.
Alice said…
Hi Sheng, I like movies with strong messages. This one sounds good and Mother Nature definitely needs our attention.
Anonymous said…
hi ... nice to meet u
Anonymous said…
Great reminder. I am a mad recycler. Good for you too!
Anonymous said…
i also watched this movie!

and i agree, we must change to survive if not for us, for those who will come after us. all we have is one Earth. we did not protect it, maybe now we can at least save it.
iluvgreen said…
it is an awakening, we should really start taking care of our environment and we should take it seriously before it becomes too late, everything that is happening to us, the calamities everywhere serves as A warning for us to change and think GREEN. it should be everybody's advocacy, SAVE THE EARTH!
escape said…
im really looking forward to watch this movie. sadly i have a busy schedule this weekend. so next week will be the time. i just have to wait.
Anonymous said…
A good way to start saving mother earth. Atleast there are someone out there (including you) who has the sense of responsibility.....share your own part and the rest will follow :)
Perky said…
I have yet to watch the movie but it's definitely high on my to-watch list (anything with Keanu Reeves is worth watching hehehe).

I've been doing my bit to help Mother Earth from separating my garbage to saving water to switching & plugging off all my electrical appliances when i don't use them :)
Anonymous said…
Yep.. our earth is dying... unless we do what we can in our own little way. Thinking Green is the only way to save our only home planet.
Kayni said…
my movie list is getting longer and longer...i need to see this because Keanu is in you're right - we need to change our lifestyles and move closer to clean and green living. i do reuse and recycle.
BlogusVox said…
If any race should take the brunt of Mother Nature's fury, it should be the European. We are atuned and respect nature before the white men came. Their technology, industry and greed are the main cause of what we, as a human specie, are experiencing now.
Garando said…
Wow, I didn't know Keannu has a new movie! Plot looks interesting so this looks like something worthy of a watch. I bet the Cinemas are all packed around this time of the season though...
pamatayhomesick said…
gisingin daw ang mga kapatid!..he he he.nice post sheng!
Heart of Rachel said…
I watched the movie too. I was a little disappointed about the film but putting that aside, I agree that we should take better care of our environment. We might just wake up one day and it's too late to undo the damages the people have done.

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