Thank you's and a lot more...

To all who sympathized with what I and my family has been through last Holy Week, thank you very much. I am very thankful that I have friends like you who are more than willing to lend an ear but also to give me spiritual uplifting in my down times. I am just so thrilled that I have a lot of you to tell me nice words in order to cheer me up in such a trying time.

I am so over it, I know it will not benefit me if I dwell with what we lost, so I and my family have decided to move on with our lives, and try to earn more, and save again to regain that which was lost. A thousand times have I thought of why these bad people could not have come up with things more moral to do, than take away other's stuffs. Well, it's life I guess, there are just people who don't understand the value of hard work and just too lazy to work for what they need. Another man's loss is another man's gain.

But thanks so much to all of you, you have cheered me up and made strong. Your prayers are very much appreciated. I thank God for friends like you. So in return, I share to you this flower, a start of a new beginning and much happier days ahead for all of us.

Every friend is to the other a sun, and a sunflower also.
He attracts and the other follows.

Jean Paul Richter

On a lighter note, I want to let you know that the kids have adjusted to the daily arrangements we have. In the mornings, we bring them to the in-laws' house, and we proceed to our respective offices, by lunchtime, we go back to the in-laws' house and have lunch with them, it makes them feel as if we are still together and nothing has changed. In the afternoons, after office hours, we fetch the kids from the house and go back to our new home.

Although I pity the kids for waking up so early just for us to get to the office on time, and considering this is summer time, I guess it is also one training for them come school days. they will really have to adjust their time and must manage their time well in order for them not to be late for school.

So, all things really work together for good, right?

Enjoy the day.

I will post another interesting blog within this week.




caryn said…
glad you guys are taking it well sheng. hugs to you! ;-)
kg said…
oh sheng, this post made me happy, knowing that you and your family are taking things with a grain of salt. i was about to e-mail you para mangamusta.

tama ka, it will do nothing good if you would continually dwell on the unfortunate event. :)

hope things get better and better for you! mwah! :)
HalfCrazy said…
That's a nice flower, I can't wait for your next blog so I will know if you're doing and feeling better. :)
Gilbert Yap Tan said…
Hi Sheng, it really pays to look at the bright side. You and your family are now enjoying your new home earlier than scheduled. Now you have more time to get to know your new neighbors. :)
Oman said…
glad you are doin' fine sheng. i am a firm believer of karma. what comes around goes around.
mordsith said…
can't wait for your new post!

i'm glad you have such a positive outlook in life. that is your strength! :)
pamatayhomesick said…
laging hanap ang araw para may bagong bukas!
Kayni said…
this is a much better news =). i'm glad to hear things are settling well. warm wishes to your home.
Rico said…
Basta keep on working hard and doing good. Great plans are on their way for you and your family. Keep the faith.
Garando said…
you are most welcome! I'm glad you and your family are all settled in. Change takes some time to get used to, but it's all worth it!
btw, ikaw pala si "LauraBush" sa plurk! Ma add nga kita. :D
Reena said…
hi. i just read your previous post.

i'm just glad that no one got hurt. and that no one is in that house during the time of the burglary. consider it a blessing narin.

in the meantime, just continue to pray. i know that everything will be well again in due time.

take care!
Via said…
Hi Sheng. How awful. God be with you guys. Karma will set things right. I hope the Tutti Frutti on its way to you cheers you up even a little. :)
renaye said…
very sorry to hear about ur uneventful event in ur previous post.

glad u r doing alright now.
ekstranghero said…
ngayon ko lang nabasa yung post mo about what happened. and it's nice to hear, at least, that you are all well naman. i hope they found justice in this lifetime, before justice found them in the afterlife. (err, mala-daredevil? :-))
sunny said…
nice to see you back sheng! missed you! heheheheeh!
bem said…
glad to know about this. take care sheng.

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