2010 Mantra

This coming 2010, lift it all up to God.

For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. - Jer. 29:11

Happy New Year Everyone!


kg said…
sheng, i love this bible passage! so full of hope!!! thanks for sharing!
princess_dyanie said…
happy new year sheng! cheers to a great 2010!!! :) mwahz! hugs!!! :)
Reena said…
happy new year!!!!!!!
Anonymous said…
AMEN to that biblical verse, sheng!
Have a blessed twenty ten!
bertN said…
Have a great and peaceful 2010!!
upto6only said…
happy new year sheng. I'm happy to have met you :)

God Bless always and your family
Eds said…
happy new year sheng!
Heart of Rachel said…
That's a beautiful and uplifting message. May you have a promising 2010.
Anonymous said…
i also plan to commune with nature more frequently this year. =)

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