Just a Thought...

It's already February! How the days go by so swiftly and another year is fast counting towards its end. Isipin mo? 11 months na lang and 2012 na, hehe. For sure, days are fast, and I admit, I am aging. When was that when I was just a little kid with a crush on a small guy riding a bicycle. When was that when I had my first prom, and having to be fetched from school because Dad thinks I have to go home on time. And when was that when I walked down the aisle to marry the love of my life? And, was it at least ten years ago when I had my first baby? Time moves so fast, and counting the days just doesn't make it a notch slower. I'll be turning double 3 this month, and I wonder what's gonna be in store for me this 2012, but I am still praying for that regular post. I just want to ask you how you spent your years, I hope they are meaningful days. It simply is fun and nostalgic going back to days when you were a child, until you have grown up. And one thing you can do when you ...