The Getaway to Home
We always stay with the husband's oldies at MIL's place some 15 kilometers away from our very own house. It is because these olds, 4 of them all senior citizens, have no one to be with them and look after them, so as very responsible children, we shouldered the task of looking after them and being with them during the weekdays, only going home to our very own house during the weekends, sometimes, even only once a month.
So the long weekend of Lent made us go home, have a small getaway to our very own abode, and enjoy the silent of no senior-citizen-whining.
I opened the small box that happen to hold the kids' rubber pool. We had this rubber pool for more than three years already and get to enjoy once a year, only during the Holy Week.
As you can see, our simple getaway to home, and not from home is satisfying. It made the husband and me rest, did a movie-marathon finishing at least 5 movies a day that we all enjoyed, when it is Dad's choice, the kids go to their rooms and read.

And of course, I cooked! Every bit of second was well spent, it only happens once a year that you get to enjoy 4 full days of rest, so we did enjoyed it to the best of what we can give the kids. No Samal or Boracay can compare with our summer getaway, it was days spent at home, but it was one of the best days spent at home.
See our dog, Coke, she enjoyed the summer too!
So the long weekend of Lent made us go home, have a small getaway to our very own abode, and enjoy the silent of no senior-citizen-whining.
I opened the small box that happen to hold the kids' rubber pool. We had this rubber pool for more than three years already and get to enjoy once a year, only during the Holy Week.
See our dog, Coke, she enjoyed the summer too!
nice sheng. once a year... dapat gawing madalas habang kasya pa ang mga bulilit.