Hopeful, Again

To the people who trust me enough with what wonders I can do, thank you. And to those who know nothing much but put people down despite their trying, I tell you, we can do better than what you say. I thank God for the gift of wisdom He has given me during that time when I was asking for His wisdom and love. He was there the moment I needed HIM to fill me up with knowledge. I passed the Career Civil Service Professional Exam after trying thrice. I just hope this is the beginning of something better. We were 351 passers out of more than 3 thousands who took it. That was an achievement,wasn't it? You know how much I wanted to be in the government service, and you know how much I have always wanted to be stable with my work, and I hope to dedicate the rest of my working days to the department I am working with now. Well, there are always chances, and the chance is close at hand. Another opportunity has opened for me, an AA6 post is vacant. And I want this position badly that I need to ...