What Truly Pays Off

A friend sent me this message earlier last week: Albert Einstein spelled out his formula of success this way: A=X+Y+Z where A=Success X = Work Y = Play Z = is keeping your mouth shut. In my present world where I work, I have found very disappointing instances where you see different kinds of actions and reactions only for the competition. I am not making myself clean here, but in the government, there are a lot of people who will continue pulling you down because you are performing better than they do; there are a number of co-workers who will accuse you of this and that without having to check how things came to be. I find that in the government, very minimal people give true value to work, and oftentimes, they are the ones who are just in the background. Those who are the noisiest are those who do less. I may not be the kind of person who will keep working and be content in little rewards, but I want to give justice to those who have worked really hard enough and yet keep their ...