Current Read: Francis Kong's Only The Real Matters
For me, Francis Kong presents himself as a teacher here, one who provides real matters and tells you how one can live the life despite the trials and the struggles, and despite the different characteristics we portray in our lives.
Francis Kong provides true stories in his book and even his own experiences with regard to people, business, travels and even to faith.
I love this book, and I can assure you that when you read it, you will, for sure, be blessed, grow wiser each day, and learn a lot of things.
What have you been reading lately? What's your current read? Is it something to do with only the real matters in life? Or something that entertains? Also on my current pending reads include "The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo" which is already out in cinemas right now, and a Bo Sanchez' "How to Prosper" which was given as a birthday gift.
Well, books are great company, and I enjoy bringing one or two in my bag wherever I go. I'd rather leave my lipstick and phone but not a book.
Try Francis Kong, he's one of the best writers for me!