Visiting the Cold Tinuy-an Falls in Bislig, Surigao del Sur

It was a beautiful sight. Although not as grandiose as that one we visited in Hinatuan, but all the same, it was a God-given natural environment where water seems to spring from everywhere. Tinuy-an Falls is located in Bislig, Surigao del Sur. Another proof that Mindanao is very rich with the wonders of nature.   

Called the Philippine's Little Niagara Falls by many because of its three-tiers. It actually has four levels, three of which are very visible to visitors, thus the name.
Upon our arrival at the site, we have noticed the crisp cold air that flows right through your skin. An amana ptac unit (air conditioning unit) provides an equal efficiency as the air here because the breeze of the air seems like some air conditioning system. The cold crisp air remains all throughout the day.   

Bislig in Surigao del Sur, where Tinuy-an Falls is located is said to be 2 kilometers short of the 160 kilometers (one way) we have traveled back and forth during that same day we went to Hinatuan. Just imagine the ride to and from Butuan City that our ride fell short of gas, and 11 of us were cramped inside a small vehicle. That time was a moment we were praying we would survive the ride, good thing our vehicle was using amana ptac parts to sustain our little adventure.

The surrounding near the falls holds centuries old trees and ferns clinging to it, evidence that it was once a virgin rainforest that was just discovered. Very amazing creation of God. The view from the third level is truly beautiful, the cascading waters makes it a very amazing sight to behold. The fourth level is hidden but it is said to be equally beautiful as well. The third level is 93 steps higher than that of the second level which only the three from our group were able to go to, myself included.With its three-tiers, Tinuy-an Falls is said to be 55 meters high and with an amazing view of 95 meters,said to be the widest in the Philippines. The place is cold, and how I imagine it to be during the nighttime, no ptacs needed, I guess. 

Tinuy-an Falls, one great wonder of the Philippines. A place you must visit in Beautiful Mindanao!


jeanny said…
I want to visit this place. It's on my to visit place. :-)
sheng said…
@Jeanny: Don't forget to drop by Hinatuan Falls na rin! And check out the Doll House in Surigao del Sur. Been meaning to save up for a road trip to this place again with the kids, very soon!
Unknown said…
Wow! ang ganda ng place...
Riz said…
Wow. considering tinuy-an next yr! :) thanks for sharing!
witsandnuts said…
Naku sayang talaga hindi namin 'to napuntahan last time. Sana may next time pa. Kinulang na sa oras. I'm glad you enjoyed your Surigao trip.
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