At Most Two Bottles

On Thursday was the third Christmas party that I have attended, as there were a lot of invitations trying to grab my attention to join them in their parties. However, I am not always at liberty to join these parties. First, I take consideration that during the night, my kids need me and it is only the vacant time I have for them. Second, I do not really enjoy going out without my husband, or going out for a few drinks and getting merry all by myself.  

But there are exceptions, always. And this Christmas is one. 

On November when I was in Cagayan de Oro, I was able to join my long time friends to a one night (barely 4 hours) of KTV party in the long stretch of Divisoria, Cagayan de Oro City.Whilst there, these friends enjoined me to a bucket of flavored Tanduay Ice. 

For the information of everybody, the first one I have tried was actually a bottle of Beer na Beer, back in my high school days, and that was only after the graduation in high when I had a try at it, getting home quite tipsy because I could not muster to drink more. 

The first hard drink I ever did taste was a Bouchard drink wherein half of the smaller bottle was consumed by my best friend and me during a pajama picnic at their house. Her brothers and sisters were the drinking kind and I was not, so I was urged to stay because I could not afford to go home  with just 3-5 shots of the liquor.

Lately though, now that I am mature enough to drink and be merry at parties for adults or social drinking, I was trying to measure myself on how far I can go with beer. And I have decided on 2. But wait, no, they are not the hard stuff. 2 Bottles of San Mig Light, (apple flavor please) is all I can muster and my path could still be straight. I had 2 drinks of Tanduay Ice when in Cagayan de Oro, and another two bottles last Wednesday night for another Christmas party I went to.
And my heart was ready to burst because of palpitation. 

And I easily get red, all over. 

So, even though Christmas may be for merry-making, I can actually celebrate Christmas without these drinks. I am trying to limit my intake to only 1 if I could help it. And my head would still be clear. Going two, and I'm afraid my heart's gonna burst. 

Christmas does not mean extravagant food on the table, it does not require too much feast, it does not require too much lights and sounds, and the presence of too many friends. Christmas means having to remember that Christ came and died for saving your soul. 

Well, are you a hard drinker? How many can you consume? Hard liquor or just a few beer bottles?

I hope you have a good one, Merry Christmas!


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