I don't know if they are really hammerhead sharks, but many of my friends say these are hammerhead sharks. We have them in a small cemented aquarium cum pond. We have three of them and they have been sharing their glorious lives with us for more than five years. From a fist size to that big a basin to fit, they are really huge now and we are wondering if they could still fit our small aquarium/pond made especially for them. We have plenty of pets with us, I once posted our dogs, and we also have pigeons. We had two hamsters and guinea pigs but they all died just early January because of the unpredictable hot at noon and cold at night weather. We also have hens, but these fishes are the ones who were able to stand with us for a long time, aside from our dogs. This too, is my favorite among our pets. Although I do not have the time to feed them, but I always love to watch them swim to and fro and they erase my weariness every time I peek on them. If Mordsith has her Casper , what is ...
Showing posts from February, 2009
Movies... and a Lot More Movies
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The Oscars just went by, and I love the movies they have presented, some of which I have not had the chance to watch yet, but will do soon, very very soon. This post is not a tag, but I just want to share to you the many movies I have loved and will love watching repeatedly. Of different genre, different stars, offering different modes of comfort to the watcher, but I love them all. These are just some on my LOVE list, some of which are movie titles I have already forgotten but when re-played over HBO, I can only stop and stay in front of the TV to finish it off, no matter how busy I am. These movies have captured my heart in a different level for me to be featuring them here, some of you may agree but some may find the movie too low a quality or too sappy to have made me cry or laugh, but hey, to each his own. ;-) So here goes my list, in no particular order. I was in college when I saw this film and this made cry. Today, we celebrate our Independence Day! Whoa, and goosebumps starte...
HOT? or Not?
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Lately, I haven't been going out of our house, except when I go to the office, do some errands, or visit the malls. I just don't feel like going out because the HEAT is killing me. It's scorching HOT outside and my migraine is killing me whenever the excruciating HEAT is ON! While it is true that trees give us shade and provide us with what we basically need and that is oxygen , people in the MMDA seem not to notice this fact. I have never been to Manila for a long long time, and I don't know how bad it has come. I can only imagine myself hustling on the walks because of the heavy traffic, and anxious that MMDA will catch me jaywalking even if I'm on the right track. If there's one thing I hate about the MMDA, it has come to this point that they cut trees because of the traffic. They prefer to be giving priority to the widening of roads, because according to them, trees must not be in roads. In Hongkong, recent news is that air pollution is at its worst in that...
Where is Humanity?
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Let me just share to you what the Civil Code says about humanity. Highlighted texts were given some "thoughts" by the owner of this site, and is solely my two cents on this particular issue . Art. 19. Every person must, in the exercise of his rights and in the performance of his duties, act with justice, give everyone his due, and observe honesty and good faith. * Did they really act with just justice in the exercise of their rights and in the performance of their duties? Did they give the men what is due them? Were they in good faith when they killed them ? It was not justice! They were not even condemned as such, they were supposed to be heard before they were killed, they were supposed to be presumed innocent until proven guilty. But they're dead now, who can cry out to the heavens and hear them out and listen to what they have to say. For Pete's sake, it was something else, ahhh, murder? Art. 20. Every person who, contrary to law, willfully or negligently causes ...
The Valentine's Date
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I am not really a super fan of him, not until Saturday. When I met him, I thought of sloppy old love songs I hear on the FM stations, and I even thought of bringing my Ipod just in case he fails to meet my expectations. I was born a rock'en roll fan, and mushy love songs are somewhat in the seconds and thirds on my list, but he made me love it. He made me change my mind. And sloppy old love songs are lovable, this he made me realize. Not only because of his voice, and his singing, but because of the awesome band he was with. Oh come on, I couldn't get a better band than what he brought, I was amazed! They were oh-so superb! David Pomeranz Concerts are a must-see! The songs have their own story and they tug the heartstrings. Every song I listened to were very nice, they were all worth listening to. And they make you realize what magic love can bring. Take me to your heart Show me where to start Let me play the part of your first love All the stars are right Every wish is ou...
I Love the Way You Love ME
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To The Love of My Life There are no words I can think of, to let you know how much I love you. I think words are not enough to let you know how happy I am to have you in my life. I may not be that perfect but I sure am glad that everything in you compliments the lacking in me. It's always the truth, you complete me, and I just love you the way you are. I cannot think of anything best to offer you, but this song really expresses it all. I Love the Way You Love ME I like the feel of your name on my lips And I like the sound of your sweet gentle kiss The way that your fingers run through my hair And how your scent lingers even when you're not here And I like the way your eyes dance when you laugh And how you enjoy your two-hour bath And how you've convinced me to dance in the rain With everyone watching like we were insane. But I love the way you love me Strong and wild, slow and easy Heart and soul so completely I love the way you love me. And I like the sound of old R ...
I have, I have not...
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Mordsith, thank you for this tag, I sure had a fun time doing this! 1. Have you ever been on TV? I don't think so, I am not that giddy at seeing myself on TV. 2. Have you ever sung in public? Yes, yes. When I was in my younger years, I used to sing for our church, I also became worship leader, I dunno what's with my voice that they picked me? 3. Have you ever dyed your hair blond? Nope, never. And I'm warning you, just don't touch my hair. Pangit na nga, dadagdagan niyo pa ang kapangitan, hahaha. 4. Have you ever eaten frog legs? Yes, and very masarap. I tasted it because it was my Dad who cooked it. Tastes like chicken... 5. Have you ever received a present that you really hated? I don't think I did, but if ever I'd be given, I'll thank him whoever he is for the most-hated-gift. 6. Have you ever walked into a lamp post? Into a lamp post no, but in a clear glass of an establishment, yes. It was so clear that I thought I could just enter without any delays, ...
The Birthday that Was
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I woke up early that day to prepare for the big day, you think I was having a bash or anything? No, I had other plans and that is for us to visit our house in La Cassandra. 3 days before that, we went to a big mall here in Gensan and took advantage of the clearance sale that they were having, my impulsive wallet starts itching to buy cabinets and wardrobes for our house. And so we did. I had them delivered on my birthday. And these are the purchases I got! the Master's bedroom wardrobe original price: P8, 695 sale price: P6, 956 these are my kids' clothes shelf I bought two of this beauties, one for each of them. original price: P2, 365 sale price: P1, 892 our TV rack, (TV soon to come, teehee!) original price: P1, 795 sale price: P1, 436 All of our purchases only cost us P12, 176. It could have cost us P15, 220. It was such a steal! So happy birthday to me, and that was what made me happy indeed! At the end of the day, we just passed through Chicken Hauz and bought a box o...
I Got Curious...Too
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Two days ago, a blogger friend and fellow bookworm Sir Gilbert sent me a pdf file of the newest movie hitting the cinemas this week, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button by F. Scott Fitzgerald, written in 1921. I immediately went home to read the short story since I love reading stories before watching their film versions. And since I was so busy with lots of things during my birthday (will share in my next post), hubby and I decided to watch the movie just after that big day. In as much as I loved the book story, the film was even lovelier. I enjoyed the almost 3 hours run of the film, and cried when the story tugged the heartstrings. Some noticeable changes that I saw were also placed here in a review by the Philippine Daily Inquirer. ***** “The Curious Case of Benjamin Button” Loosely based on F. Scot Fitzgerald’s short story, tells a somewhat similar tale, but the difference is the “disability”—Benjamin ages backwards as he journeys through life. He begins life with one foot on t...
Happy, it's so nice to be happy!
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It's my party and I'll cry if I want to, cry if I want to, hahaha! Nope, i won't cry, but thanks be to God for the added year in my life. And for the moment, let me share to you what I got as an early birthday and Valentine's gift. This is in connection with the David Pomeranz post I shared with you recently. Please click here to see what I got! Happy, it's so nice to be happy!
Another year to make it 5 long years!
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I am a product of a state university. I graduated my Bachelor's degree in 1999, and during that time, my family was still struggling financially. I still remember when my parents could only afford to send me to school with P300 weekly allowance, all IN, bus fare, food, school projects. My parents lived an hour's drive from Gensan, and the university campus is 30 minutes away from the city. Bus fare then was P30, jeep fares P5. I went home on weekends so I get a total gross of P200. How I managed that P200 is a question to me as well. I could eat, have snacks with friends, and still buy my precious cassette tape collections. I struggled with my four years in college. My parents struggled very much. We were 4, 2 were in college at the same university, 1 graduating in high school and 1 still a baby. My four years were spent in serious studying. My schedule overflowed with school activities, organization meetings, and my gardening. 4 years and I thought it was too long and agoniz...
Burger! Buger!
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Burger! Burger! That was the chant I got in my comments section last Friday after I have posted about the new toys I got for this year. Last Thursday, Ric and I were invited to join a blogger's night sponsored by Genee's Resto and Bariles Republic . A newly opened resto and tambayan by yuppies in Gensan, Genee's welcomes you with this wide format picture depicting the cultures, festivities, places and faces of the Generals as we are more commonly called. Genee's is this friendly tuna, General Santos City is proud to be a highly tuna-industry location and we serve the best tuna products from sashimi to tuna belly and canned tuna. While here, we were able to take pictures of the place and enjoyed a sumptuous meal prepared by the resto. the Genee counter An aerial view of Gensan will make you wonder where in this map-like image are you located. Being a boomtown Gensan, buildings have been rising to and fro and what's more, the latest is the expected rise of Robinson...