His Eyes Were Upon Us

Yesterday has been a crazy day, to say that it is full-packed is an understatement. When I arrived at work, I wanted to breathe hard, the type where you don't know when your last breath will be. When I arrived at my desk though, work immediately took its toll, I had to haggle with time which ones I have to facilitate doing first and what gets my attention next. It went on and on until I only had so little time for breaks, the last I checked the time, it was an hour before getting home. Time is so short it doesn't consider giving you any second chances.

This morning though, on my way to work and while riding the multicab, the cab incidentally swerved to the left intersection of a long avenue at the Capitol Grounds in Alabel, almost bumping into trees and shrubs, without the engine stopping. We were shouting that a student passenger is alighting almost near the Alable Science High School, but straight and fast goes the vehicle. A few meters away and the engine stopped, that's when the driver revealed he lost his brakes. We were thankful that it did not happen along the highway or who knows what would've happened to us then. God's protection has enveloped us, and will continue to do so until HE wills. I could never thank HIM enough. Truly, HE doesn't abandon.

Had it been that the cab continue its motion towards buildings or trees, I know not which bone is fractured on me, or which part of my body has got the most bruises. Or if I could still be writing this blog now. 

The scared look on my co-passengers' faces cannot be drawn on paper, with bated breath until the engine stops, it is something I will never draw, the fearful looks of their smiles that turned into anxiousness. Some of them turning a little paler than they already are. 

What could have been an accident did not happen. For whatever reason, GOD has given me a second chance to live my life the way HE wants it to be. 

Now I'm doing it HIS way, not mine. I could never thank HIM enough.


onyxx said…
Whoah... that's scary. glad to know you're all okay. Stay safe, Sheng

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